The event was recorded and you may view it for free: Homeschool Organization 102. Enjoy.
Thank you to the sponsors of this event who make it possible for Homeschool Connections to bring it to you for free:
Ecce Homo Press
Love 2 Learn
Living Math
This blog is written for homeschoolers, many of us living on one income in a two-income economy. Prayerfully, we will discover the fruits of living frugally . . . together. And maybe share a tip or two.
I wasn't sure how to contact you but when I searched for "easy homemade broth" recipes your blogged popped up!
I love your recipes for all the veggie and meat broth. I have posted a link to your page from my blog. I just thought I would let you know.
Thank you for posting that. It is great and I have bookmarked it for my own reference!
And by the way, your candied pecans sound to die for. I may have to try those too!
I absolutely love that picture!
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